
Winter HVAC Tips

With winter here, temperatures are dropping, and heating systems are being turned on for the first time in months. Before it gets too cold out, use these winter HVAC tips to help ensure that your heating system is working as efficiently as possible this winter. Following these winter HVAC tips will help lower your energy bill and help prevent poorly-timed breakdowns and emergency repairs.

1. Change Your Furnace Filters

Make sure to change your furnace filter. A clogged filter will force your furnace to work much harder than it needs to in order to keep your home warm. The harder your heating system works, the higher your energy bill will be.

2. Move Items Away from Your Furnace

Move items such as boxes away from your furnace or indoor heating system, such as a heat pump. This way your system can draw in air to warm easily. Obstructing your furnace or heat pump will cause it to work harder to supply warm air to your home. Even new furnaces that run exhausts and fresh air intakes through the side of your home can be clogged. Walk around your home and look for fallen leaves or other debris that can cause a blockage.

3. Have Your Heating System Inspected

One of the most beneficial steps you can take is scheduling a heating system inspection before it gets too cold out, to help avoid a breakdown while your system is running full throttle through the heart of winter. Scheduling a heating system inspection can catch problems before they escalate and cause a breakdown. While a technician is inspecting your heating system, they can also pick up on things that may help your unit run more efficiently, such as clogged vents or a dirty filter.

4. Clean Out Your Ducts

Duct cleaning can help your home’s heating system operate smoothly. Having your ducts cleaned will unclog them of dust, allergens, pet dander and other particles in the air. Duct cleaning can remove contaminants that are pulled into your heating system and the buildup of these contaminants can cause your duct system to become a nest for bacteria and fungus. Not only will your system run more efficiently once your ducts are cleaned, but you will also know that the air you are breathing in is cleaner.

5. Keep the Thermostat between 68-72 Degrees

Another way you can make sure that your heating system is running at peak performance is by setting your thermostat between 68-72 degrees in the winter. This will ensure that your heating system isn’t running to hard or for too long. You can also maximize the efficiency of your heating system by investing in a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats take programming to the next level. There are many types of smart thermostats, each with different methods of triggering your heating system. There are location-based or GPS-based smart thermostats and smart thermostats that are triggered by motion sensors in your home. If you want to learn more about smart thermostats, take a look at our blog on “Choosing a Thermostat for Your Heating and Air Conditioning System.”

This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 18th, 2019 at 10:26 am. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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