At Constellation, the safety of our customers, employees and contractors is our top priority, and we are prepared to serve you.
Our employees and contractors are in customers’ homes every day, providing essential services that keep customers safe and comfortable. In times of public health concern, such as with the coronavirus (COVID-19), we remain committed to performing this critical role for our customers. In order to maintain a safe environment, Constellation is enacting the following measures:
Enhanced Cleanliness Protocols: Increasing the frequency of sanitization of any shared or on-the-job equipment and vehicles, as well as wiping down all surfaces at the work site before and after work is performed, as needed.
Practice Social Distancing: Avoiding direct contact with others (ex. handshakes, hugs, high-fives, etc.) and staying approximately six feet from the nearest person while working, as well as avoiding gatherings in any common areas or large groups.
Personal Hygiene Preparedness: As needed, employees and contractors will be equipped with personal protective equipment, such as masks and gloves, as well as hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes. Additionally, they will follow a hand washing schedule for the protection of everyone.
Keeping Employees and Contractors Informed: Constellation is closely following guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and passing along updates to our employees and contractors. All employees and contractors have been informed on identifying the potential signs and symptoms of the coronavirus. And, if they were to demonstrate potential symptoms, he/she will be evaluated by a medical professional.
We are committed to keeping our community safe. So, when you contact Constellation, or if a member of our team is in your home, please share any health concerns. We want to ensure you get the service you need, while keeping everyone safe.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer care representatives at 844.823.4663.
What is Constellation doing to keep customers safe during visits?
When you schedule a service or appointment with Constellation, our representatives will ask you:
- Is there any reason that we should not enter your home, especially reasons related to COVID-19?
- Does anyone in your home have a fever, shortness of breath or other flu like symptoms?
- Does anyone in your home have reason to believe they have been exposed to the virus or been asked to self-quarantine?
If you respond ‘yes’ to any question, our representatives will work with you to determine the safest approach to resolve the issue. If the visit is not urgent (such as an HVAC system tune-up), we may ask to schedule for a later date. However, we’ll prioritize any essential/urgent request, while taking the proper precautions.
Prior to coming to your home, our employee or contractor will call ahead and ask the same questions, ensuring that nothing has changed since you scheduled the service.
During our visit to your home, our representative will be taking extra precautions, such as hand washing and sanitizing, cleaning the work site before and after work is performed, practicing social distancing, and may wear additional protective equipment. Keeping a safe distance of at least 6 feet will help protect you and our team member.
What is Constellation doing for vulnerable and at-risk customers?
When contacting Constellation, please advise the representative that you, or someone in the home, falls within a group that is more vulnerable to contracting the virus. Our representatives will work with you to determine the best course of action. If the request is not urgent, we may ask that you delay the visit until a future date. If the matter is urgent, our representatives will take additional precautions to limit the possibility of exposure. This may include wearing protective gear and, if possible, to isolate the at-risk individual while we are in the home.
What if I think I have, or have been diagnosed with COVID-19, but I have an emergency situation?
If you have been diagnosed, or suspect you may have COVID-19, please advise our representative. Our team will work with you to determine a safe solution for the situation. We are prepared to serve you.
If I have a service or appointment scheduled, are you still coming?
You will always hear from us prior to your scheduled appointment if anything were to change. So, if you haven’t heard from us regarding your appointment, then you can assume you are still on the schedule.
If I already have a service or appointment scheduled, can I reschedule for a later date?
Yes, if you would like to reschedule a service call, please contact Customer Care at
844.823.4663 (Texas) or
844.315.4663 (Georgia).
If you have an appointment scheduled with an Energy & Comfort Consultant, you can either contact the consultant directly to reschedule, or contact Customer Care at 844.823.4663 (Texas).
How is Constellation keeping employees and contractors safe and preventing the spread of COVID-19?
Constellation provides essential services to our customers, and we’re committed to keeping our employees and contractors safe and helping prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the community.
Our Customer Care team is working with each customer to determine the safest solution. By asking a few questions around health-related concerns and prioritizing the urgency of the request, we’re working together in the best interest of the customer and to help reduce the spread of the virus.
For our employees or contractors at a customer’s home, Constellation is emphasizing best practices to reduce the risk of being infected and/or spreading the virus, including proper handwashing/sanitizing, regular cleaning of workspaces and social distancing.
For our office employees, Constellation has taken additional steps to limit the potential spread by instituting work-from-home policies, alternate work schedules, and social distancing guidelines, as well as enhanced cleaning protocols and restrictions on non-employee access to facilities to further protect employees.
Where can I find out more about COVID-19?
You can learn more about the COVID-19 (coronavirus), by visiting the following sites:
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
World Health Organization (WHO)