
Carry-In Repair Services

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You may drop off and pick up carry-in repair service items at the following Constellation Home location:

1409-A Tangier Drive
Baltimore, MD 21220

Hours: Monday thru Friday, 7:30am to 4:00pm

Carry-In Repair Service via US Postal Service or Parcel Delivery

You can also choose to ship carry-in repair service items for repair using the US Postal Service or other parcel delivery company. Remember, packing, shipping, and insuring these items is your responsibility. Constellation Home assumes no liability for items that are damaged in transit.

Items shipped to Constellation Home will be returned using the US Postal Service or parcel delivery. We will package, ship, and insure the package for the value of the item being returned. If you have an extended life warranty on the repair item, you will not be charged for the return shipping service. If you do not have an extended life warranty on the repair item, you will be charged a flat rate of $15.00 for the return shipping service.

Please ship items to:

Constellation Home
ATTN: Carry-In Service
1409-A Tangier Drive
Baltimore, MD 21220


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Everyone needs to make home improvements from time to time and we are no exception. We are currently upgrading our online service scheduling experience, but you can still schedule service by contacting our Customer Care Center. Call 888.243.HOME to schedule service today.